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January 25, 2012

Classic Cleanout-No More Acting Clueless

Yesterday, I came to the realization that I really needed to clean out my closet. It was getting ridiculous. I forced myself to give away 25 items including dresses, skirts, vests, jeans, tops, and bags no matter their cost or age. This time there would be no justifying to myself why I should keep a certain piece of clothing or accessory or convincing myself that I'd wear it again in the near future. No more being clueless. This stuff had to go. So, I started pulling and grabbing, throwing the lovely discarded items on my closet floor never to look back again.

Oh. my. gosh. I must pause due to my inability to stop anyone having a Clueless flashback? You know-when Cher goes through her gigantic, technologically advanced closet to give away outfits for the disaster relief she had volunteered to lead and organize for Ms. Geist?? Classic!

As in life, there are things that I know I should give away (to God) in order to rid myself of unwanted, unnecessary clutter. Sin-things that have or may have the potential to cause me to stray from my walk with God-even for a moment. It's not healthy-it's hoarding (and good grief, watch one episode of Hoarders and you'll give everything in your house away)! Hoarding leads to severe distress, anxiety and emotional/physical health problems. We have got to stop being so clueless. Why keep toxicity in your life? Especially in your heart?! As Cher would say, "ugh, as if!" (wow, I really need help...)

“Let us strip off every weight that slows us down, especially the sin that so easily trips us up.”
Hebrews 12:1 (NLT)

I let them go. I feel strong, fresh and anew. With no justifications or stipulations hiding in the back of my mind (I threw those away as well), it has made it easier to let go of my unwanted "items". When you hold on to a small part of what you are trying to let go, it makes it not only harder to turn away from. but it makes it impossible. God commands you to clean out your closet. Start pulling and grabbing-never looking back! Should this be an option in your life? UGH, WHATEVER (in my best valley girl voice)! It's a commandment! Duh?!

"...If your hand or your foot causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life maimed or crippled than to have two hands or two feet and be thrown into eternal fire. And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to enter life with one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell."
Matthew 18:7-9

Brynlea Taylor
Follow me for fashion and devotions! 
twitter: bryntayl 

Brynlea Taylor Cunniff is a tomboy in a tutu. With a desire to be the Proverbs 31 woman God created her to be, she walks down the runway of life hand-in-hand with her Designer (in heels...and cowboy boots). Brynlea has a true passion for the young ladies of today's generation, so she has a blog dedicated to devotions, fashion and everything girly! Follow her on and Twitter @bryntayl. She would love for you to join her Facebook group "Fabyoulousgals" for Godly encouragement and girl chat!

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